Shanta Nathwani

Shanta Nathwani

Shanta is a full-stack web developer and educator in web design. She has spent the last five years at Sheridan College heading up the Web Design and Capstone track for the CCIT program.

She is a recent graduate of the Full-Time Web Development program at BrainStation in Toronto. Her latest project, An Affordable REST, helps people find subsidized housing based on need instead of location.

Shanta has attended 30 WordCamps (including this one) and spoken at 26 of them, and co-organized four WordCamps (Milwaukee, Hamilton and Toronto). She is a regular speaker at DevTO, has spoken at FITC Web Unleashed and Bifrost Conf and is scheduled to speak at Full Stack Conference Toronto, 2017.


Twitter: @ShantaDotCa


WordCamp Toronto 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!